Studies on Numerical Analysis in Electrostatic Precipitator – A Review


  • Vikash Kumar Patel PG Scholar, Thermal Power Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli, India.


Electrostatic precipitator, Electro-hydro dynamic flow, Ionized electric field


Electrostatic precipitators (ESP) have gotten a lot of attention lately because of their great efficiency and low cost. Designing ESP for applications in the industry, numerical simulation is generally used as it is a powerful, cost-effective, as well as an adaptable tool. The numerical models of ESP that are available simulate different physical processes, such as electric field ionization, movement of air, charging of particles and their motion, are summarized in this paper. We know that existing models could produce results within acceptable range, and computing power needed for applications in industry are not very large.


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How to Cite

Vikash Kumar Patel. (2022). Studies on Numerical Analysis in Electrostatic Precipitator – A Review. Journal of Advanced Mechanical Sciences, 1(2), 63–67. Retrieved from



Review Article